
Thursday, October 30, 2008

My studio

The naming of the studio was easy. I love bird's nests and how a bird can find stuff and make use of it. You can find so many different materials in the nests. Birds are smart that way. I like to make art out of what I have and what I find. I have so many interests that I seem to dabble in just about everything. So, like a bird, here at Bird's Nest Studio you can find a lot of different materials...from clay to cloth.

I live a creative life and I am happy. Yes, I want to learn more, and yes, I would love to be an expert at something but in the meantime,I get to make, talk, and play with art stuff everyday...and make a living out of it. So I don't have a portfolio or a collection of art ready ...but I do have tons of cool art stuff and lots of ideas.

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